Dear Radim
Collection of pieces by authors from the Kampademie circle dedicated to Radim Palouš on his 70th birthday.
Your price: 99 CZK
Milý Radime (Dear Radim) is the first publicly available edition of the collection Academia commemorations et consultationes, a tribute to Radim Palouš that previously only came out in two numbered print runs in 2004. Contributors: Tomáš Halík (On the history of Kecanda, or Predecessors’ Academy), Ivan M. Havel (Rapture), Václav Havel (Greetings to Radim Palouš, Philadelphia Speech, Standford Speech) Cyril Höschl (The Magic Word “Till”), Zdeněk Kratochvíl (Corpus Hermeticum X/The Key to Hermes Trismegistos), Daniel Kroupa (Vivat Academia), Zdeněk Neubauer (Gaudentia Septuaginta, Invisible Presence), Martin Palouš (Anamnesis Academiae) and Helena Webrová (Letter). Many were surely surprised that author of the publication’s art – two drawings, Kešot en face and Kešot en place – was Ivan M. Havel.