DVD Olga Miroslav Janek
Report on observation of an object, that refused to testify and did whatever he wanted.
Your price: 189 CZK
Olga Havlová was Václav Havel´s closest and most reliable partner. She was a friend, who never spoiled any fun - contrarily, she was often the one to joke around. She was a generous host, passionate gamer and mushroom picker, nature lover, author of brief notes, brave and diligent dissident, wise and matter-of-fact woman, always kept her feet on the ground and remained herself. She stood behind the foundation of the Committee of Good Will in 1990, which helps people in need to this day.
Director about the film: We didn't want to reveal new truths or surprising facts. The movie introduces us to the real Olga Havel, as we hear snippets of her memories and observations. It is an attempt to reconstruct her personality through her attitudes in life and to present the period she lived in. Olga Havlová herself has the main say in the movie.