Suspicious to Myself Václav Havel
A collection of eight personally toned speeches by Václav Havel from 1990–1995.
Care of the State Václav Havel
A collection of selected speeches by Václav Havel from the years 1993–1997, i.e. from the time of building the newly established independent Czech Republic.
The Power of the Powerless and Other Essays Václav Havel
Moc bezmocných a jiné eseje (The Power of the Powerless and Other Essays) is an anthology comprising key essays by Václav Havel.
Diary IV. 1974–1989 Pavel Juráček
Kilián Nedory Filip Topol, Pavel Hájek (ed.)
A collection of texts by Filip Topol about his legendary and mysterious "friend" Kilián Nedory, which have mostly not yet been published. The first part of the book consists of the short story The Pit and the Wind, the second part is a convolute of features, song lyrics, poems and prose. The book is published as the first volume of the intended three-volume edition of the Filip Topol Archive.
Case for a Novice Headsman Pavel Juráček, Pavel Hájek (ed.)
In the Case for a Novice Headsman Pavel Juráček approaches, examines and experiences one of the most intense, most urgent feelings of modern times - anxiety.
Catch the hare so you have him. The Garden Party Václav Havel
The satirical comedy The Garden Party is one of the first absurd plays in the Czech Republic, and in the 1960s it was Václav Havel's first theatrical play performed at the legendary Na Zábradlí Theater.
I am the Gypsy Baron Emil Ščuka
Memories of one of the key figures of the Roma minority group in the Czech Republic.
Václav Havel : It has a meaning! Selection of interviews 1964–1989 Anna Freimanová, Tereza Johanidesová (eds.)
Selection of interviews with Václav Havel with journalists from all over the world from 1964 and 1989.
Václav Havel and Film: Screenplays, Analyses and Reflections, 1957–1989 Jan Bernard (ed.)
Collected publication of Václav Havel’s “film” texts, prepared by Professor Jan Bernard of FAMU
Devla miro, sem jov hino Rom!. I. kotor Emil Ščuka
The first part of the memories of one of the key figures of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic in Romani translation.
Me som Rom romano... II. kotor Emil Ščuka
The second part of the memories of one of the key figures of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic in Romani translation.
Jekh čiriklo či kerel ňilaj. III. kotor Emil Ščuka
The third and last part of the memories of one of the key figures of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic in Romani translation.
Václav Havel’s Prague. A Guide to Buildings and Places with a Role in the Life of the Playwright, Dissident and President Zdeněk Lukeš
Written by a leading historian of Czech architecture, this guidebook, comprising several chapters accompanied by photographs by Pavel Hroch and others, presents works of Prague architecture bulit by Vaclav Havel’s grandfather and father, including the Lucerna and buildings in the district of Barrandov, as well as places connected with Havel’s childhood and youth, the period of his success as a dramatist, and his years as a dissident.
Charter through own eyes Jiří Gruntorád, František Janouch, Daniel Kroupa, Daniel Kumermann, Dana Němcová, Martin Palouš a další
A selection of texts from a conference organized by the Václav Havel Library and Charter 77 Foundation at the occassion of 40th anniversary of the Charter 77 creation.
Shadow Jiří Křižan
The first and at the same time the last prose of the screenwriter of the film "Je třeba zabít Sekala"
Dairy II. 1956–1959 Pavel Juráček
The first volume of a monumental diary work by a significant Czech film director.
Dairy I. 1948–1956 Pavel Juráček
The first volume of a monumental diary work by a significant Czech film director.