Jiří Kuběna - Masks, Drawings and Paintings (VHL Workbooks No 5) Jiří Kuběna
The emergence of poet Jiří Kuběna as an artist. Foreword written by Václav Havel.
Eternal Times
A publication offering in three parts a triple approach to evoking Czech totalitarian everyday life (1948-1989).
Václav Havel – Bořek Šípek. Castle Works 1992–2002 Petr Volf
The pictorial publication traces the cooperation of President Havel and his castle architect B. Šípek in the years 1992 - 2002 in the renovation of Prague Castle.
Foolish Writing Filip Topol, Pavel Hájek (ed.)
A selection of Filip Topol´s short stories, poems and torsos of poetic prose, most of which have not yet been published, brings his world (frienship, the alcohol demon, Prague, desire, love..) closer with an extraordinary urgency and rawness.
I am not sad. Audience & Vernissage Václav Havel
This volume of the edition "VH´s plays into pocket" includes one act plays Audience and Vernissage, which are centered around Václav Havel´s most successful character Vaněk, a banned writer. Timid, yet principled hero does not want to subordinate to the dictate of the police state nor to fail his beliefs and tries to live according to his conscience.
Kančí na daňčím. Recipe Book of Václav Havel Michael Žantovský a kol.
A book of recipes connected with Václav Havel – either in the role of a satisfied diner or in an aspect of him as a distinctive chef.
Tale about the king Škrábal or about Ivan Krasopisec Hugo Vavrečka
In March 1945, Hugo Vavrečka wrote a tale about King Škrábal or Ivan Krasopisec to his grandson Ivan M. Havel. Shortly afterwards, the text was swallowed up by the whirl of post-war events, and so it reaches its addressee (and all the other curious readers) only now - after more than seventy years.
My Memoires Václav M. Havel
The first full edition of the memoires of the father of Václav Havel and the founder of the Prague district of Barrandov.
Diary III. 1959–1974 Pavel Juráček
The first volume of a monumental diary work by a significant Czech film director.
Havel. A life Michael Žantovský
Vaclav Havel: iconoclast and philosopher king, an internationally successful playwright who became a political dissident and then, reluctantly, a president.
Havel (paperback) Michael Žantovský
A unique detailed monograph of one of the greatest Czechs of the 20th century written by his close collaborator and friend.
Jan Palach. January 16 to 25, 1969
The publication contains 150 photographs by 27 leading Czech authors from the turbulent January days of 1969, since Jan Palach's self-immolation in Prague until his massive demonstration funeral.
Open Letters. Selected Writings 1956-1990 Václav Havel
The selection of Havel's 25 best essays written since 1965
To the Castle and Back Václav Havel
From Václav Havel comes this first-hand account of his years in office and the transition to democracy following the fall of Communism.
Summer Meditation Václav Havel
A personal political testament originally written by Václav Havel in the summer of 1991 during his first presidential term.