Diary IV. 1974–1989 Pavel Juráček
Case for a Novice Headsman Pavel Juráček, Pavel Hájek (ed.)
In the Case for a Novice Headsman Pavel Juráček approaches, examines and experiences one of the most intense, most urgent feelings of modern times - anxiety.
Dairy II. 1956–1959 Pavel Juráček
The first volume of a monumental diary work by a significant Czech film director.
Dairy I. 1948–1956 Pavel Juráček
The first volume of a monumental diary work by a significant Czech film director.
From the Life of a Buffoon. Articles, Reflections, Interviews, 1954–1978 Pavel Juráček, Pavel Hájek (ed.)
An anthology of the journalism of Pavel Juráček – one of the key figures in the 1960s New Wave of Czech film.
Joseph Kilian Pavel Juráček, Pavel Hájek (ed.)
Chilling philosophical grotesque about cat rental and byrocracy, from which there is no escape.
The Situation of the Wolf Pavel Juráček, Pavel Hájek (ed.)
A captivating, existential drama, hemmed in a gold mining scenery of the far north.
Diary III. 1959–1974 Pavel Juráček
The first volume of a monumental diary work by a significant Czech film director.
By Means of a Cat (Texts from 1951–1958) Pavel Juráček, Pavel Hájek (ed.)
Prostřednictvím kočky (By Means of a Cat) is a collection of the earliest literary texts by one of the key figures in the New Wave of Czechoslovak cinema in the 1960s (Joseph Killian, Case for a Rookie Hangman), known to the general public above all for his engrossing diary, Deník 1959–1974 (Diary 1959–1974), which was Book of the Year in the newspaper Lidové noviny in 2004.